7 Real Estate Content Marketing Tips To Increase Online Leads

September 5th, 2024 by

generate leads for real estate websites through content

Like in every other field, the use of content marketing is beneficial to real estate companies as well. Just by engaging real estate content writing services, real estate businesses can create optimised content on their websites to increase brand awareness and drive more traffic. This content could be in the form of articles, videos, brochures for downloads or blog posts. One of the most important objectives of online content for real estate companies is lead generation. Here we discuss some Real Estate Content Marketing tips to help you increase your online leads.  

With the competition shaping up in the online real estate-tech world, it is becoming more and more difficult to generate real estate leads online. It’s always advisable for businesses to seek help from content agencies to increase the reach and effectiveness of their content. Whether it is email newsletters that nudge viewers to click through or making infographics and webinars, the content must try to build the audience’s trust. Some of the content marketing techniques that businesses can use to increase their real estate leads are explored below.

1. Pay Attention To The SEO

Search engine optimization is crucial to generating more real estate leads in the real estate business. Most prospective customers pay attention to only the first few results of any search. Therefore, it is necessary to optimise your content to make it appear higher on the search engine result pages. The ranking algorithms for Google and other search engines are always changing. It is crucial to tweak your SEO periodically to stay relevant. But one thing is for sure – high quality content always aids in better ranking. So do the homework!

Apart from using the right, high-ranking keywords, it is necessary to include perform on page optimization, build off page links, add meta descriptions,  and promote your content on Social Media to make the content unique and have it stand out from the crowd. Having relevant blog posts and articles has also shown to be a valuable content SEO strategy. Real estate firms and builders can seek help from SEO content writing services to update their websites periodically so they can attract more traffic. 

2. Establish Your Presence On Social Media

Having a strong social media presence is not just limited to updating your Instagram or Facebook pages once in a while. An extensive social media strategy is necessary to attract the attention of the viewers and convert the audience into sales leads. Businesses can take the help of content writing services to post relevant content on their social media page, including new listings, success stories, work culture, real estate agent bios, testimonials from happy customers, inside peeks into properties, etc. 

It’s also a great idea to post pictures and videos online of various real estate projects to give your viewers a sort of virtual tour. Doing so helps generate curiosity in the audience and might even encourage them to share it with their contacts, increasing the number of leads. 

3. Create Valuable Blog Content

Having relevant and SEO-optimised blog content can increase website traffic, generating more leads for real estate companies. It is also a great way of building trust and an interpersonal relationship with the viewers as the blog content can answer their relevant questions on selling or buying properties. Some Real Estate Content Marketing facets include home maintenance tips, interviews with real estate agents, property advice, advice on market rentals and rates, new construction projects that are coming up, interest trends, market projections, etc. are of interest to the viewers and can be covered by the blog posts. In addition to having engaging blog content, it is essential for businesses to update their blogs frequently to build their brand presence. 

4. Optimise Content On Email Campaigns

Email newsletters are among the widely used methods of lead generation for real estate companies. According to a study by Smart Insights, in the real estate field, around 27 per cent of the email newsletters are opened by prospective clients while only 1.77 percent of them click on the links given in the email. Having interesting headlines can capture the viewers’ attention, increasing the chances of them opening the emails. Similarly, optimised email content leads to a surge in the click-through rates, increasing the number of potential leads generated.

5. Webinars

Hosting a webinar is one of the ways real estate companies can use online content to create fresh leads. The topic of the webinar must be interesting and offer something of value to the audience. Only then will they be interested in providing their contact and details in the sign-up page. Furthermore, a webinar projects an image of the business as being experts in their fields which leads to more inbound leads. 

The webinar can also be made interactive by including a survey at the end. You can ask questions relating to the webinar topic, viewer interest in your services and more, and study the responses to create a better content marketing strategy. 

6. Don’t Forget The Images

Buying a new home is a serious decision. If you include pictures and videos of the property on your website, it has a bigger impact on the viewers than just written content. Businesses also need to make sure that these images and video footage of the properties are responsive on all channels (mobile, desktop, and more).

The businesses can use tools like lead capture forms to allow the viewers to fill in their details once they view a particular real estate property they might like. Using photographic content on the website also makes it more user-friendly. People will spend more time on your pages, reducing the bounce rate.

7. Include Case Studies

Reading about positive customer stories or reviews encourages the viewer to develop a sense of faith in the real estate company. The case studies can be about the satisfactory use of any product or service offered by the business, a client who is happy with their purchase, a successful resolution to any problem faced by a client and many more. These case studies can be accompanied by pictures and videos as well to increase their credibility. 

Final thoughts

When it comes to real estate content marketing, SEO content is king. Posting informative, concise and credible content makes the audience perceive the business as trustworthy. You can always engage SEO content writing services to help create your content and to add to your strategy. Customers would not mind signing up to receive fresh content in the form of newsletters, regular blog posts, etc. This contributes significantly to the leads generated. These leads can later, through a combination of effective call to actions and other content marketing techniques, be converted into successful sales transactions. 


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